August 5, 2014

ETC: Week in Instagram Photos

Hey, guys! I just got back from a relaxing New Hampshire vacation and I don't quite have the brain power to compose a lot of words, so here is a thrilling recap of my weeklong adventures in case you, for some reason, enjoying ogling other people's photos of old maps and fried appetizers (I totally do!).
Our semi-private lake cove and my daily view. Dreamy! 
1. Some "leggy" trees near our beach area //  2. A vintage map of Lake Winnipesaukee in our cottage
3. A local waterfall //  4. Dirty-haired woman-child near waterfall (aka gross selfie near water)
1 & 2. Awesome produce at a local farm stand. Those berries! 
3. You kind of can't go to NH without antiquing // 4. The spread for a CUPCAKE TASTING PARTY (very tiny forks not pictured)
1. Tilt'n Diner...a vacation staple //  2. A round of fried pickles for the table
3. Vintage poster browsing // 4. Perfume spraying machine in the bathroom! (what exactly would a 'Tommy Girl' mood feel like?)

Not pictured: the absolutely ridiculous amount of time I spent smelling everything in the Yankee Candle outlet like some kind of convict who had just been released from nasal prison. I could not get enough scent in these nostrils! I left with a bundle of scents that are all food or drink related, totally by accident. Standouts: Hot Cider, Salted Caramel, Maple Pancakes. My nose is ready, man.
I also got some baby candles
Oh, yeah! You can follow me on instagram if you want, since I guess that's a thing I do now?
Follow @neonrattail

Have you been on vacation lately or have one coming up? What do you like to do for fun on vacation? Are you still thinking about Tommy Girl perfume?



  1. I'm thinking about that "Poison" perfume. Quick! Someone cue up some Bell Biv Davoe!

  2. Eeep! I work down the street from Yankee Candle, it's so hard not to stop and go in every day.

    1. Oh, man...the temptation. I'd never been to a YC outlet before, and I must say, the deals are pretty amazing! xo

  3. Haha at "nasal prison". I love Yankee Candle, but too many at once and my nose goes crazy. Nasal hysteria? I just followed you on Intsagram BTW.

    1. Agreed! My nose was, like, sore from sniffing. I had to get a little pickier while smelling and shopping to preserve my abilities. Followed back! xo
