February 24, 2014

STYLE: OOTD Blue Studded Vest

I'm baaaaack! Sorry for the unintended break around here - I've been busy looking for a place to live and moving unexpectedly (long, horrible story), but we're finally settled in and I'm finally ready to get back to some normal habits, like this here blog. Lucky you, right?!

Just to dip my toe back into the Neon Rattail universe, here's a simple Outfit of the Day post taken a couple months back and lost in the twists and turns of my hard drive before being unearthed during a recent marathon organizational session.
I snatched up this vest from the Dots clearance rack last summer, where it was hanging all alone with its measly $5 price tag. Yes, $5. I'd almost purchased it previously at full price because, while I can do a lot of things successfully, resisting bright blues and moto-style clothing are usually not among them. I originally passed on it because I thought it was slightly overpriced for what it is (I'm sure it's made of, like, plastic and old paint chips or something), but at five bucks I was ready to play ball. Plus, I had a bunch of studs laying around (ebay is the best for bags of cheap studs!) that I used to quickly upgrade this vest.

Vintage Paisley, Revlon Lipstick, Skeptical Face
Outfit Details
Blue Studded Vest: Dots {with some DIY studs added by me}
T-Shirt: Old Navy
Jeans: Marshall's
Head Scarf: Vintage {thrifted}
Necklace: Forever 21
Ring: Dots

What have you been up to in my absence, babes? Have you ever done any DIY studding? How much do you LOVE clearance racks at already-cheap stores?



  1. Welcome back! I took a blogging break myself recently and it was just what the doctor ordered - I definitely understand :]

    On a sartorial note - LOVE that vest! I've never seen a moto vest in that color before and it really looks amazing paired with that orange necklace! Opposite colors always look amazing together! You look gorgeous! :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love blue and orange together! xo

  2. Yay! You're back!! I missed your witty prose. I haven't scored any clothes off the sales rack recently but that vest was meant to be yours!

    1. Yep, I'm baaaaaack! Thanks for the kind words! xo
