December 8, 2013

DIY: Homemade Gift Ideas

Don't say it. I don't even want to hear it. Please don't utter that tired old phrase "but I'm not crafty enough for that!" because I don't believe you! Okay, some of you just straight up DO NOT CARE about DIY and homemade stuff any time of the year, let alone to give as gifts, which - while I cannot relate or even understand - I will let fly because it's not everyone's bag. For those of you (and you know who you are) who like the idea of making gifts, but have either never given it a try or abandoned your halfway-done projects a week before Christmas in favor of some anonymous gift basket because you're tired/frustrated/intimidated by the idea of DIY, then this guide is for you.

There are ideas here intended for all levels of craft skills, ranging from "Wait, they make hot glue?" to "Hmmm, maybe I'll whip up a batch of crocheted stuffies while my resin charms are setting," so you can certainly find something that would make a great gift for someone on your list AND seems manageable with your skills. I mean, there is more than one idea here that requires only tape and paint. You can do this!


There are also a bunch of DIY posts on Neon Rattail that would make great gifts (some of them were!). Here are a few that are user-friendly to make and very fun to own, which I can attest to personally, duh.

So there it is - a crazy amount of DIY gift ideas. Now you have NO excuse to not make some amazing homemade gifts this year, unless perhaps you've recently gone through a scissors-related trauma that you're trying to forget. For the rest of you, try a little hand-crafted goodness this year, okay?

Do you like making your own gifts? Or do you roll your eyes when someone gives you a gift they didn't buy at a store? Or maybe you just push gift planning so close to the last minute that you have no time for any of this?



  1. Oh wow! I have try the vodka and candle ones. I'm probably going to make presents for my co-workers but not my whole family. I personally like to receive food presents so that's another good route.

    1. Agree! Edible gifts are always a good idea because they're delicious and you don't have to keep them forever. I definitely want to try the vodka one, too! xo

  2. Great list! I think I need to make some animal bookends now. Personally I love DIY gifts, but I've found that some people aren't always receptive... well, except for food gifts. People almost always love homemade baked goods and such.

    1. I KNOW! Those bookends are glorious. And, yes, homemade baked goods are always a hit! I'll be doing my traditional almond biscotti this year :) xo

  3. This is an awesome DIY craft list. Thank you for sharing! I really want to start making things again... it's been ages!

    1. No problem! There's no better time to start making things than the holiday season! xo

  4. Your right, I do want to make them, especially the bookends, I've never thought of making my own, and those ones look amazing!! I'm your newest follower because you blog is flippin fantastic :)

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird |



    1. Awww, thanks! I love those bookends too, and they seem pretty simple to make. Definitely on my future to-do list! xo

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  6. Such a nice collection of DIY crafts. I also do DIY crafts very often. I brought all my craft kit from here. They are made of high-quality material, durable and safe to use by kids.

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