November 15, 2013

Banana Bread Recipe

I'm a little bit allergic to bananas, but I love them so much I still eat them all the time. I say "a little bit" because it hurts every time I eat them, but I've been doing it my whole life and I'm still here, so I can't be that allergic, right? Not many people agree with me on that point, but I just can't resist the allure of this bright yellow dynamo. Thankfully, cooked bananas don't bother me at all, so I can indulge in banana bread pain-free. What a life!

I mean, I love trying new recipes and concocting food combos I've never tasted before, but sometimes you just need something classic. I think everyone should have a go-to banana bread recipe in their back pocket (along with chocolate chip cookies, duh) that you can throw together when the craving strikes. Here's a classic one that lives in my brain (and probably all over the internet) that you can use too:


3 Very Ripe Bananas  //  2 Eggs  //  1 Stick of Butter  //  1 C Sugar  //  2 C Flour  //  1 TBS Milk
1 tsp Salt  //  1 tsp Baking Soda  //  1 tsp Baking Powder  //  1 tsp Cinnamon


Add the butter and sugar to a large mixing bowl. Cream together until mixed and fluffy.

Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing after each.

In a separate bowl, mash the bananas and then add the milk and cinnamon.

In yet another bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder.

Add the banana/milk/cinnamon mixture to the sugar/butter/eggs mixture and stir to combine.

Add the mixed dry ingredients to the bowl and stir again to combine.

Pour the batter into a greased loaf pan and bake for 1 hour - 1 hour and 15 minutes at 325 degrees (F). You'll know the banana bread is done when a knife that's inserted into the center comes out clean.

My bakeware is well loved (and therefore looks kind of gross).

Here's what you'll get for all your hard work:

Pretty good reward right?

You can get all crazy with this and add chocolate chips or serve it with a cream cheese icing, but there is something to be said about a simple, classic dessert...and that 'something' is "OH MY GOD, IT'S SO GOOD," which is how banana bread should make you feel.

What's your favorite dessert recipe? Are you allergic to anything that you love? 



  1. Dang, I should not be reading this at work. 'Cause now I'm starving! This looks soooooo good.

  2. This looks so delicious! I guess I know what I'm having tomorrow to go with my coffee. Great recipe!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. Mmmm, this would be great with coffee! Thanks! xo

  3. Ack I was literally looking for a recipe when I found your blog - our bananas are about to go bad!

    1. What a strange coincidence and perfect timing! xo

  4. Yum! Yum! This banana bread looks delicious! Glad that you cooked bananas don't bother you as you can enjoy this load pain free! Thanks for the recipe!


  5. This sounds delicious. I've been trying to come up with something to bring to Thanksgiving and this MAY be it!

    xo Ashley

    1. This would be perfect for Thanksgiving! It pairs very well with coffee. xo

  6. I love banana bread and I make it every time I have leftover bananas :)

    Arianna, Nymphashion ♡

    1. Right? It's such a good silver lining to letting bananas get too ripe! xo

  7. What a delicious looking recipe! We will have to give this one a try soon. Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

  8. Yes please! This looks and sounds so incredibly yummy!

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