November 7, 2013

BEAUTY: 30 Day Lip Color Challenge

Last month I decided to embark on a 30 Day Lip Color Challenge. Well, okay, embark is kind of a strong word for what ultimately boils down to wearing a new lip color every day for a month. Because I found myself often reaching for the same few lipsticks, yet still mentally (and actually) shopping for more, despite my overflowing stash, I wanted to try this experiment. 

The rules were simple:
  1. I must wear a new lip color from my stash every day for 30 straight days
  2. I can't buy any new lip colors along the way
My reasons for trying this were also simple:
  1. I have way too many lipsticks, glosses, stains, etc. and I don't wear most of them
  2. I want to discover new favorites within my lipstick stash
  3. I want to try new looks inspired by new shades of lip color
  4. I want to see what colors I like best (and worst) on me and organize my lipsticks accordingly
  5. I want to stop buying new things when I have 30+ lipsticks (I mean, really!)
The Results:

What I Learned
The most noticeable lesson for me is that it's really annoying to take a picture of yourself every day. How are all you selfie addicts managing to do this? I just didn't always feel like posing, putting on makeup or, in some cases, putting on clothes. It got a little tired around day nine, but I pressed on in the name of science.
Swatches: Top row is lip colors #1 - #15 and bottom row is #16 - #30
More importantly (well, relatively anyway), I learned that: 
  • Safe/subtle shades just aren't going to get much play from me so I might as well toss them.
  • NO FROSTY LIP GLOSS EVER. To be fair, mine was super old, but more reason to let it go.
  • The subtle differences between red lipsticks mean it's totally okay to have a lot of them.
  • Covergirl All-Day Lip Color (#25) is REALLY good, which I totally forgot. I can wear this all day for a reliable matte red lip and it even lasts through pizza and a Halloween party - what more are you really looking for?
  • Wet n Wild's Megalast lipsticks are out of this world and only, like, $2. Highly recommended, especially Cherry Bomb (#10) and Purty Persimmon (#3).
  • I like dark lip colors on me more than I thought I did. Not longer just for special occasions.
  • I probably don't ever need to wear Revlon's Va Va Violet (#14) or Wet n Wild's Click My Hyper-Pink (#21) ever again. I'll save them for when I want to look like a weirdo.
  • No more glosses that aren't opaque - don't waste my time.
  • Matte lips > glossy lips.
  • I need more purple lipstick!
Top picture is lip colors #1 - #15 and bottom picture is lip colors #16 - #30
The goal was to keep me from buying lipstick by "shopping" my own stash and making me realize how many I already have, but in reality this experiment just made me focus so much more on my lips that now all I can think of is trying new colors. Oops. I will definitely be using more of my own first, though!
After scrubbing the swatches, ALL of the Wet n Wild Megalast Liquid lip Colors stayed put! I know I've mentioned it before, but those things are pretty amazing.

Would you try a 30 Day Lip Color Challenge? If you do, let me know so I can follow along!
How many lipsticks is too many? How long would it take you to wear all the shades from your stash? What's you favorite lip color right now?



  1. I would love to try the 30 day lip color challenge BUT I don't have that many lip colors! haha Perhaps I could start mixing a few colors...
    And I am going out to buy the Wet n Wild megalast lip colors because that's crazy how they stay put like that!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. You could always try a shorter lip challenge by using a new color every day until you run out. Those Megalast lip colors are SO crazy! xo

  2. Love this idea! I'm like you though... I find it difficult to take a picture of myself every single day. I think it's a great idea to go through your collection and figure out which are your favorites/most loathed though, because if you do buy more lipstick it's better to not end up with a dupe of #21. :P

    1. Yes, daily picture taking is exhausting! I found this really helpful to get rid of stuff and also start using other lipsticks that I forgot I liked more often. I agree with you - absolutely NO dupes of #21, haha! xo

  3. Wow, so many beautiful lipsticks. The 30 day lip color challenge is a great idea and you did an amazing job. :)
    Love how lipstick number 19 looks on you. :)

    keep in touch,

    1. Thanks! Yeah, that Wet n Wild shade is super pretty! xo

  4. 22, 28, and 29 look lovely on you :)
    Laura x

    1. Aww, thanks! #28 (Revlon Fire & Ice) is one of the BEST drugstore lipsticks ever! I think it looks lovely on everyone. xo

  5. you suit every single shade! what a lovely challenge

    from helen at

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win some skincare from origins! click here.

  6. This is a great challenge- and fun to see the progressions. I am super impressed you kept up with it, 30 days of make up is a lot of effort- especially on lazy days! I don't think I could do it but I'm glad you did :)

    1. Thanks! Yeah, 30 days feels SO much longer than you think it will! It wasn't too bad (haha, obviously - it's just lipstick) but I was pretty glad to see it end, too! xo

  7. This looks like such a fun challenge.

    I always put lipstick on, then just before I leave the house wipe it off because I'm too much of a wimp.

    I think no.7 has to be my fave :)

    Hmm maybe...

    1. It was fun to look back on for sure. If you feel wimpy about wearing lipstick, just know that you are WAY more conscious of the fact that you have it on than anyone else, even though it can feel like "ahhh everyone is looking at my lips!" Just do it! xo

  8. This looks like a lot of fun. I'm currently doing something similar with my nails and I started to fade a couple days ago (right at the 9 day mark as you mentioned) but of course I'm pressing on!!
    I would love to try this challenge out at some point. I'm just venturing more into the lips so I'm probably right at 20 colors... hahah this may have to wait.

    Much Love,
    -Stephanie Eva

    1. Yes, I've been following your Swatchgiving posts! That is serious dedication. You could always try a 20 day lip challenge, too! xo

  9. This challenge is such a wonderful idea! I don't have many lipsticks otherwise I 'd definately do it!

    1. Thanks! You could always try it with as many lipsticks as you have or use it as an excuse to buy some more :) xo

  10. Fun idea for a challenge! I like things like this that make you use what you have and evaluate what you really need :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. That was definitely the best part! I have a much better sense of what I have and like the best now. Worth the experiment! xo

  11. Very pretty! As a plane jane chick I love the idea of putting effort into/switching up your looks daily as a social experiment. You're getting my wheels 'a turning. :)

    1. Cool! It was definitely fun to be more purposeful with my look every day and it's cool to see where a lipstick can take you in your other makeup and clothes, etc. I recommend trying it! xo

  12. First of all, I freakin' love this post idea! I don't anywhere the amount of lip products that you have, but man, this is great. I need to send this to my friend. She's a makeup hoarder, lol! I REALLY like you in red and pinky-red lipsticks, but definitely get more purple. I LOVE purple lipstick. Maybelline makes a vivids line and they have a purple called Brazen Berry that's out of this world. :)

    xo Ashley

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I have a bit of a makeup hoarding problem myself, CLEARLY. My go-to is definitely a red lip, but I love purple lipstick. I've been wanting Brazen Berry for months! I need to just pick it up. xo

  13. I would totally do it. Except I don't have enough lipstick. :[

    Cute though. I applaud you on the lipstick shades. I need to upgrade my makeup bag.


    Where The Water Meets The Sky

    1. Thanks! You could always try this with the amount of lipsticks you have. And don't feel like you need to upgrade - I just have a makeup hoarding problem! xo

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