January 26, 2012

STYLE: Cute Winter Accessories

Winter Accessories

Even I, hater of all things frigid, can't complain about this winter, with our barely there snowfalls and out of nowhere 60 degree weather (which, FYI, feels like a wonderful sauna in January). Perhaps you're one of the chosen ones who was graciously born and raised in a sunny locale or had the good sense to head south after college, but I'm still a New England gal and if there's one thing I've learned throughout my years, it's how to work an outfit when you're swathed in layers and layers of warm clothing.

A cute coat is a must since that's pretty much the only thing anyone will see on you for three months straight. Seriously - you have to love it. Fun gloves will distract you from the fact that you're using them to scrape ice off your car windows again. Leg warmers work well with tights if you're like me and simply cannot be forced to give up dresses in the snow and scarves a pretty much a no brainer. Earmuffs and ear warmers are great alternatives to hats plus they keep your hair less gnarly.

For me it's all about picking accessories that are fun and that I like to wear so that I feel a little less dead inside during the depths of winter. Putting on a pair of bright furry earmuffs is just so much more exciting that stuffing my head inside a generic gray beanie. So grab a polka dot scarf, a faux fur wrap or a vintage inspired coat - before you know it spring will be here!


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