October 9, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 10/9/11

Here's what I'm rounding up this week:

If you've never had the displeasure of seeing romance between a woman and an oversized duck, you might want to check out this list. I won't ruin too much, but I will say that you'll never look at wounds the same way again. Don't worry - there's some Showgirls to lighten the mood.

Developments in the Arrested Development Movie
All of us Arrested Development fanatics have been hearing about the illusive full length film being released some day. To add fuel to that fire, series creator Mitchell Hurwitz has announced that he'll also be releasing a fourth season! Who knows when it will become a reality, but I'll raise a frozen banana to that.

Topeka, KS Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence
Every city faces budget cuts, but Topeka's method of dealing with them is decidedly untraditional - they're considering the decriminalization of domestic violence in order to avoid the costs associated with related court cases. In the month they've piloted this program more than 30 cases have been turned away. I don't know what's crazier: this short-sighted idea or the totally weird stock photo that ran with the story (above).

Russian Doll Ring
I love all things Russian Doll so when I saw this amazing Noir Jewelry ring I went insane! Then I saw the price ($225) and I went even more insane, 'cause I'm cheap. BUT - a girl can dream, right?

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
I love Conan. Always have, always will. When I heard there was a documentary being released about his falling out with the Tonight Show and his subsequent stand up tour, I saved it to my Netflix queue in a flash. It isn't a pity party and it isn't a revenge romp; the film is an honest behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the tour from inception to completion and the true and hilarious moments along the way. A must see for Conan devotees!


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