October 30, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 10/30/11

Here's what I'm rounding up this week - Halloween edition:
DIY False Eyelashes
Here's a great way to save some scratch this Halloween (or any time) by making your own DIY false lashes from a few strands of a makeup brush and some other basic elements that you likely have on hand.
Spooky Party Snacks
What Halloween party is complete without eating something that looks totally disgusting? To keep your guests gagging check out these bloody brain cupcakes or their melting head cake. Yes, it looks as creepy as it sounds.
50 Best Dog Costumes
Halloween is great for a lot of reasons, but not least among them is the wonderful world of pet costumes. Check out this collection of canine costumes that are sure to get your tail wagging.
Last Minute Halloween Costumes
I know that not everyone has it together when it comes to costumes, even if that means always beating the clock to get something assembled at the last minute. Real Simple brings us a quick list of cute costume ideas that are actually doable last minute.
Creepy & True Urband Legends
I love a good urban legend and I love it even more when there's a legitimate story to back up the creep fest. This collection of terrifying but true tales reminds us that not every scary story is complete folklore.



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