October 16, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 10/16/11

Here's what I'm rounding up this week:
Sephora Presents Magnetic Nail Polish
Nails Inc. and Sephora bring us the latest and greatest in the manicure realm with magnetic nail polish, available in gray and violet. This cool polish reacts to magnets (one comes in the bottle cap) which creates a futuristic wave pattern. Check out the video to see it in action.

Greetings from Creepy Tree
Creepy Tree offers adorable and brightly colored greeting cards and gift wrap with a fun, childlike aesthetic. The graphic style is reminiscent of vintage cartoons and the lively prints of clowns, princesses and dove wielding magicians would make a wonderful greeting for all ages.

I think we can all agree that coffee cake is amazing and having it in 5 minutes or less certainly wouldn't hurt. For those times when you NEED dessert but have nothing on hand, whip up this simple cake in a mug with pantry staples - you'll be glad you did.

Seeing Ursus Wehrli's before-and-after images of scenes going from chaos to calm scratches an itch within my soul that I never knew was there. As a lover of organization, color coding and general order, this art is right up my alley.

Real Simple always knows what to do. This list of cool new ways to use regular office supplies (like the cookie sheet/cutting board organizer from a file holder above) opened my mind to things I've never thought of. Some I'd already tried, like cleaning a keyboard with a Post-It, but things like using masking tape on food containers as a "scoop scraper" or using a mouse pad as a trivet (duh!) made my future to-do list.


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