October 31, 2011

DIY (Dancing) Corn on the Cob Costume

I was finally able to live out my life long dream of dressing as an ear of corn! Admittedly, I do have a bit of a corn obsession (even my Etsy shop is named after the stuff!) but this was my first time truly embodying my mother vegetable and I'd call it a success. Without further ado, I present...

Just giving them the ol' razzle dazzle...

My tiny top hat and vintage bow tie

The "butter" on my shoulder was melting down my arm

My cuffs had buttons made from corn holders with the metal prongs cut off! Please note my corn colored manicure.

Dress: DIY by me
Cuffs: DIY by me
Bow Tie: Vintage
Tights: We Love Colors
Shoes: Thrifted from Savers

I've entered a few costume contests on Craftster, the We Love Colors Facebook page and the Savers Facebook page so feel free to vote for me if you like my costume!

What were you this year?


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