September 4, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 9/4/11

Here's what I'm roundin' up this week:

Rookie Mag Launches Tomorrow!
Eeek! It's finally here! Rookie Mag, the online magazine site created by noted teen fashion blogger and all around cool chick Tavi Gevinson launches on Labor Day. The site will feature monthly themes beginning with, appropriately enough, Beginnings. This mag is so totally aimed at real teen girls that posts will be updated 3 times a day - after school, dinnertime and just before bed, mirroring the typical online usage of real life teenagers, considering Tavi herself is one. She says of the mag: "Our content respects a kind of intelligence in the readers that right now a lot of writing about teenage girls doesn’t. People think it’s just going to be another site or magazine that talks about how great celebrities are or how awful celebrities are or dieting . . .” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Just you wait and see.’” That we will, Tavi. That we will. 

Every Outfit Cher Horowitz Wears in Clueless in Under 60 Seconds
I don't think there's a girl around who didn't idolize the style of Cher Horowitz in Clueless. If you were around in the 90s (or later - people are still watching this movie, right? Right?) you undoubtedly got a major fashion boner for Cher's motorized closet as well as the magical wears it held. The montages, the makeovers, the many trips to the mall - Cher had plenty of excuses to switch up her duds, and this 60-second clip takes you on a tour through every one of them. From her iconic yellow plaid skirt to her barely there Calvin Klein "dress" to her most responsible white collarless shirt from Fred Segal, it's all there and you simply cannot miss it - as if! 

Kobi Levi Footwear

Umm, why haven't these shoes been brought to my attention before? I found them through a chance sighting on Tumblr and I am oh-so-glad. These designs are insane in the best way possible and, in addition to the Olive Oyl, Duck, Slide and Madonna inspired footwear pictured here they've got such innovative concepts as heels that look like you've stepped in gum, banana peel slippers, hound dog heels, some X-rated numbers and even shoes that look like 2 pairs of shoes - since that doesn't make sense until you see it, make sure to check the collection out for yourself. 

The Muppets Collection from OPI
This holiday season OPI will be gracing us with the Muppet Collection featuring new polishes inspired by and named after our favorite Muppet pals like Kermit, Miss Piggy, Grover, Fozzy and more. Even if you don't care about the Muppets (or the new Jason Segal Muppet movie coming out soon) the colors totally stand on their own. Favorite color? Gone Gonzo. Favorite name? Wocka Wocka. What's yours?

Crayon Art by Christian Faur
Artist Christian Faur brings us incredible portraits and other works made completely from crayons. No, this isn't your typical refrigerator-bound Crayola doodle - it's seriously amazing pieces which look normal from afar but once up close you can see that each is made from a colorful spectrum of sharpened crayons tips. This definitely isn't kids stuff.

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