September 25, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 9/25/11

Here's what I'm rounding up this week:
Banned Books Week 2011
Yesterday was the first day of Banned Books Week 2011. This annual celebration focuses on the freedom to read, but I was blown away to learn just how many books - both new and old - are still challenged and banned in schools and libraries around the country today. There are well known bandits like Huckleberry Finn, but many other titles are also on the chopping block. Having never experienced book censorship growing up (with the exception of my 7th grade reading teacher going through every single copy of Summer of My German Soldier to black out each swear word) I didn't realize this was still going on. Books are challenged or banned for reasons such as having a "homosexual agenda" or being too dark, too sexual, too depressing or too anything that someone with a loud enough mouth seems to oppose. Someone even tried to ban THE DICTIONARY! Seriously. The reason was so rational, though; their child happened to find the phrase "oral sex" in there, so I can see the reason for hysteria. Totally rational. While you're there you might want to look under "I" for INSANE. Read the story behind book challenges and bannings title by title here.

Sister Wives is Back!
Holy polygamy, you guys! Tonight is the premiere of the third season of Sister Wives and you best not miss out. Even if you're totally over the constant parade of family freak shows brought to you by TLC, this is the one to see. Centering on the Browns, a polygamist family with four sister wives and their shared husband Kody (his ridiculous hair is reason enough to tune in) this show aims to demonstrate the ins-and-outs of daily life for a less than typical family and show us how "normal" the concept of polygamy actually is. Yeah, yeah, whatever - I just wanna see the weird family dynamics, the Mormon-ness, Kody's ridiculously tiny sports car (smart ride for a father with almost 20 kids) and the perpetually bald newborn Truly Mae Brown (that name!!!). There are even "better" names to be found here...just watch it!

Worst Costume Idea Ever?
Usually I assume that any product that ends up for sale in the world has gone through some semblance of a decision process where at least a handful of people have said yay or nay or offered educated input based on research and projections. Guess not. This Halloween you can wear potentially the worst costume of all time: Anna Rexia. Dress as everyone's favorite eating disorder while also showing off your sexy side! It even comes with a measuring tape waist band to accentuate those adorable ribs of yours! The protruding pelvic bones are even dusted with glitter, so you can be sure you'll be the cutest mental disorder at the party.

World Map Necklace
This necklace from Melody Ehsani is the cutest thing in the world! All puns aside, this rockin' neck piece is so cool I almost can't stand it. I've been eyeing it for a while, but at $100 I've been a little gun shy on actually purchasing. I'm cheap, whatever. It comes either silver or multi-colored and I can imagine wearing this with practically everything. I love statement necklaces and this certainly makes one. Bonus points for the model's amazing freckles!

World's Biggest Dog Ears
New world record! The world's largest dog ears belong to Harbor the Coonhound and as you can see above they are spectacular. His left ear measures 12.25" and his right is 13.5" (it's okay, Harbor - it happens to the best of us) which reportedly caused him to frequently trip over them and fall down the stairs as a puppy. He even gets approached by strangers on the street asking for a touch of the ol' ears, but it seems as though he doesn't mind too much. Hey Harbor - room for one more?


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