September 11, 2011

ROUNDUP: Weekly Links 9/11/11

Here's what I'm rounding up this week:

The Coolest Furniture OF ALL TIME
Imagine what you wanted your dream house to look like when you were five years old: bubbles, candy, balloons, toys. Now imagine it can be a reality, but in a super chic grown up way. If you're in the market for new home decor (and you have some serious disposable income to spare) Jellio offers fantasy filled furniture and home accessories for every room. Make believe you're waking up at the Wonka factory every morning by grabbing a gummy bear chandelier or fantasize that you're a permanent houseguest at Peewee's Playhouse with a banana seat chaise. Or just go total sugar addict with the ice cream sandwich bench (above), candy button bench or cupcake table. There's even a yo-yo side table! Time to make those preschool fantasies a reality.

This website has me seriously wanting to pick up my knitting needles again (it's been a loooong time). Ordinary things like trees, bus seats and bridge railings turn technicolor with the help of some very happy knitters. It's kind of like grandma's version of graffiti, with colorful yarn encasing various items in public spaces, creating a visual feast for all. It apparently started as a creative way for some crafters to use up supplies and unfinished projects and has become a national underground sensation - there's even an International Yarnbombing Day!

CMYK Themed Wedding via Rock n Roll Bride
Regardless of how uninterested in wedding planning you may be, anyone with a design background has to find some joy in this CMYK themed wedding. CMYK is the standard color model for professional printing and any graphic designer is well versed in this four color wonder (C=Cyan, M=Magenta, Y=Yellow, B=Black). It's also just a rad color palette, as this graphic designer couple found, and everything from the bridesmaids' dresses to the centerpieces to the petticoat is CMYK colored and the overall vibe is so modern and fresh. Wedding or no wedding, your next event just got a whole lot more colorful.

Roseanne Comes to Bust!
All hail Queen Roseanne! Seriously, I have idolized this fierce female since I learned how to forcefully grip the TV remote at age four. I never missed an episode of her iconic show (Oxygen reruns included!) and until recently I was having some subconscious withdrawals - I didn't realize how much I missed Roseanne until I saw she had a new reality show on Lifetime (!) and then this week I saw that she's going to have her own advice column in Bust magazine (!!!). It was a definite A-HA moment; I don't know how this hasn't happened sooner! We won't have to wait much longer because her unique brand of witty and honest advice is coming to Bust in the December/January issue. 

Message-in-a-Cookie Cutters
This is just an all-around good time. Personal messages in cookies? YES PLEASE. I know Williams-Sonoma offers the fine suggestions of "It's a Boy!", "Get Well Soon" and "I Love You" for their homemade sweet treats, but with the option to create your own words and phrases letter by letter, I can't see any reason not to turn the funny factor all the way up. How about "Sorry I Gave You Syphilis", "You Are NOT the Father" or "Pee on Me" cookies? You're only limited by your own imagination, but I guess "Happy Birthday" works too.

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