August 25, 2011

Cooking Farm Fresh Home Fries

Mmmm, who doesn’t love home fries? Even the movie was adorable (hi, Drew!). Typically breakfast for me means a crumbly oat granola bar, but on the weekends I like to go the extra mile, especially when I have yummy ingredients to use up. My brother works on a local farm and I am lucky enough to snag farm fresh produce from time to time. These fingerling potatoes and onions were just screaming to become home fries, so who was I to protest? This recipe is so simple it can become a go-to for even the novice chef.

Fingerling potatoes, chopped (any potato will do though - adding in sweet potato is also awesome. I didn’t measure these but about the equivalent of one full size potato per person is a good place to start)
1-2 medium onions, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced (or as much or little as you like - I’m a garlic fiend)
Vegetable or Olive Oil (enough to coat your pan about a 1/4 inch thick)
Sea salt and fresh black pepper

  1. Heat oil over medium-high heat.
  2. Add garlic and stir around pan about 1 minute until fragrant.
  3. Add potatoes and cook for about 5 minutes, turning as needed.
  4. Add onions to the pan and continue cooking, turning the mixture every few minutes or so to fry evenly, for about 10-15 more minutes or until potatoes are crispy on the outside and easily pierced with a fork. Season with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper.
  5. Enjoy!

We had this with a feta and farm fresh green pepper omelet and toast made from Milton’s bread (my favorite!) with Earth Balance. Super simple and pretty quick. Plus, I got to see this adorable tiny potato:

Eeeek! So cute! [side note: strawberry nail tutorial might be coming soon if anyone wants it]
What’s your favorite breakfast?

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